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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
333 68 0 build normal P1 --- Obsolete bug, report build bugs in "build" component (was: Do not report build errors in bugzilla!)
411 2 0 libc minor P3 --- gcc defines __i686 macro, causing problems in sysdeps/i386/elf/setjmp.S
832 2 0 admin normal P2 --- ldd contains a bashism
984 3 0 network enhancement P3 2.26 Respond to changed resolv.conf in gethostbyname
1015 2 0 localedata enhancement P2 --- be_BY@tarask: new locale
1481 7 0 manual normal P2 --- No man pages are part of glibc, DO NOT REPORT MAN PAGE BUGS HERE!
3040 2 0 libc normal P2 --- sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/openat.c
3479 2 0 libc normal P2 --- Incorrect rounding in strtod()
3976 2 0 math normal P2 --- libm rounding modes do not work correctly for many archs
5781 3 0 math enhancement P2 2.34 Slow dbl-64 sin/cos/sincos for special values
9981 2 0 network normal P2 --- getaddrinfo(NULL) with AI_PASSIVE returns (IPv4-only) and :: (IPv6+IPv4) in this order
10282 3 0 libc normal P2 --- free() race in mcheck hooks
10580 2 0 localedata enhancement P2 2.27 hr_HR: updated locale
10871 3 0 locale enhancement P2 2.27 'mon' array should contain both nominative and genitive cases
11484 2 0 localedata normal P2 --- bg_BG: updated locale
11787 3 0 dynamic-link normal P2 --- Program with large TLS segments fail.
11840 2 0 libc normal P2 --- Bad use of the autoconf cache for -fgnu89-inline
12059 5 0 localedata enhancement P1 --- kg_*: new kikongo locales
12701 4 0 stdio critical P2 --- scanf accepts non-matching input
13028 2 0 network normal P2 2.22 Resolver sometimes fails with option rotate

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The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into Sourceware Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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