The following built-in functions may be used to generate a floating-point value. All return a floating-point value except ‘$cvi’, ‘$int’, and ‘$sgn’, which return an integer value.
Returns the floating point arccosine of expr.
Returns the floating point arcsine of expr.
Returns the floating point arctangent of expr.
Returns the floating point arctangent of expr1 / expr2.
Returns the smallest integer not less than expr as floating point.
Returns the floating point hyperbolic cosine of expr.
Returns the floating point cosine of expr.
Returns the integer value expr converted to floating-point.
Returns the floating point value expr converted to integer.
Returns the floating point value e ^ expr.
Returns the floating point absolute value of expr.
Returns the largest integer that is not greater than expr as floating point.
Returns the floating point remainder of expr1 / expr2.
Returns 1 if expr evaluates to an integer, zero otherwise.
Returns the floating point value expr1 * 2 ^ expr2.
Returns the base 10 logarithm of expr.
Returns the natural logarithm of expr.
Returns the floating point maximum of expr1 and expr2.
Returns the floating point minimum of expr1 and expr2.
Returns the floating point value expr1 ^ expr2.
Returns the nearest integer to expr as a floating point number.
Returns -1, 0, or 1 based on the sign of expr.
Returns the floating point sine of expr.
Returns the floating point hyperbolic sine of expr.
Returns the floating point square root of expr.
Returns the floating point tangent of expr.
Returns the floating point hyperbolic tangent of expr.
Returns the integer value of expr truncated towards zero as floating point.