7.18 .ds[size] number [,fill]

This directive emits number copies of fill, each of size bytes. Both number and fill are absolute expressions. If the comma and fill are omitted, fill is assumed to be zero. The size suffix, if present, must be one of:


Emits single byte values.


Emits 8-byte values.


Emits 4-byte values.


Emits values with size matching packed-decimal floating-point ones.


Emits 4-byte values.


Emits 2-byte values.


Emits values with size matching long double precision floating-point ones.

Note - unlike the .dcb directive the ‘.d’, ‘.s’ and ‘.x’ suffixes do not indicate that floating-point values are to be inserted.

If the size suffix is omitted then ‘.w’ is assumed.

The byte ordering is target dependent.