Next: Symbolic Constants, Up: Expressions
As in C, the linker considers an integer beginning with `0' to be octal, and an integer beginning with `0x' or `0X' to be hexadecimal. Alternatively the linker accepts suffixes of `h' or `H' for hexadecimal, `o' or `O' for octal, `b' or `B' for binary and `d' or `D' for decimal. Any integer value without a prefix or a suffix is considered to be decimal.
In addition, you can use the suffixes K
and M
to scale a
constant by
or 1024*1024
respectively. For example, the following
all refer to the same quantity:
_fourk_1 = 4K; _fourk_2 = 4096; _fourk_3 = 0x1000; _fourk_4 = 10000o;
Note - the K
and M
suffixes cannot be used in
conjunction with the base suffixes mentioned above.