2 Tracing

The simplest kind of probe is simply to trace an event. This is the effect of inserting strategically located print statements into a program. This is often the first step of problem solving: explore by seeing a history of what has happened.

This style of instrumentation is the simplest. It just asks systemtap to print something at each event. To express this in the script language, you need to say where to probe and what to print there.

2.1 Where to probe

Systemtap supports a number of built-in events. The library of scripts that comes with systemtap, each called a “tapset”, may define additional ones defined in terms of the built-in family. See the stapprobes man page for details on these and many other probe point families. All these events are named using a unified syntax with dot-separated parameterized identifiers:

beginThe startup of the systemtap session.
endThe end of the systemtap session.
kernel.function("sys_open")The entry to the function named sys_open in the kernel.
syscall.close.returnThe return from the close system call.
module("ext3").statement(0xdeadbeef)The addressed instruction in the ext3 filesystem driver.
timer.ms(200)A timer that fires every 200 milliseconds.
timer.profileA timer that fires periodically on every CPU.
perf.hw.cache_missesA particular number of CPU cache misses have occurred.
procfs("status").readA process trying to read a synthetic file.
process("a.out").statement("*@main.c:200")Line 200 of the a.out program.

Let’s say that you would like to trace all function entries and exits in a source file, say net/socket.c in the kernel. The kernel.function probe point lets you express that easily, since systemtap examines the kernel’s debugging information to relate object code to source code. It works like a debugger: if you can name or place it, you can probe it. Use kernel.function("*@net/socket.c").call for the function entries1, and kernel.function("*@net/socket.c").return for matching exits. Note the use of wildcards in the function name part, and the subsequent @FILENAME part. You can also put wildcards into the file name, and even add a colon (:) and a line number, if you want to restrict the search that precisely. Since systemtap will put a separate probe in every place that matches a probe point, a few wildcards can expand to hundreds or thousands of probes, so be careful what you ask for.

Once you identify the probe points, the skeleton of the systemtap script appears. The probe keyword introduces a probe point, or a comma-separated list of them. The following { and } braces enclose the handler for all listed probe points.

probe kernel.function("*@net/socket.c") { }
probe kernel.function("*@net/socket.c").return { }

You can run this script as is, though with empty handlers there will be no output. Put the two lines into a new file. Run stap -v FILE. Terminate it any time with ^C. (The -v option tells systemtap to print more verbose messages during its processing. Try the -h option to see more options.)

2.2 What to print

Since you are interested in each function that was entered and exited, a line should be printed for each, containing the function name. In order to make that list easy to read, systemtap should indent the lines so that functions called by other traced functions are nested deeper. To tell each single process apart from any others that may be running concurrently, systemtap should also print the process ID in the line.

Systemtap provides a variety of such contextual data, ready for formatting. They usually appear as function calls within the handler, like you already saw in Figure 1. See the function::* man pages for those functions and more defined in the tapset library, but here’s a sampling:

tid()The id of the current thread.
pid()The process (task group) id of the current thread.
uid()The id of the current user.
execname()The name of the current process.
cpu()The current cpu number.
gettimeofday_s()Number of seconds since epoch.
get_cycles()Snapshot of hardware cycle counter.
pp()A string describing the probe point being currently handled.
ppfunc()If known, the the function name in which this probe was placed.
$$varsIf available, a pretty-printed listing of all local variables in scope.
print_backtrace()If possible, print a kernel backtrace.
print_ubacktrace()If possible, print a user-space backtrace.

The values returned may be strings or numbers. The print() built-in function accepts either as its sole argument. Or, you can use the C-style printf() built-in, whose formatting argument may include %s for a string, %d for a number. printf and other functions take comma-separated arguments. Don’t forget a "\n" at the end. There exist more printing / formatting functions too.

A particularly handy function in the tapset library is thread_indent. Given an indentation delta parameter, it stores internally an indentation counter for each thread (tid()), and returns a string with some generic trace data plus an appropriate number of indentation spaces. That generic data includes a timestamp (number of microseconds since the initial indentation for the thread), a process name and the thread id itself. It therefore gives an idea not only about what functions were called, but who called them, and how long they took. Figure 3 shows the finished script. It lacks a call to the exit() function, so you need to interrupt it with ^C when you want the tracing to stop.

# cat socket-trace.stp
probe kernel.function("*@net/socket.c").call {
  printf ("%s -> %s\n", thread_indent(1), ppfunc())
probe kernel.function("*@net/socket.c").return {
  printf ("%s <- %s\n", thread_indent(-1), ppfunc())

# stap socket-trace.stp
     0 hald(2632): -> sock_poll
    28 hald(2632): <- sock_poll
     0 ftp(7223): -> sys_socketcall
  1159 ftp(7223):  -> sys_socket
  2173 ftp(7223):   -> __sock_create
  2286 ftp(7223):    -> sock_alloc_inode
  2737 ftp(7223):    <- sock_alloc_inode
  3349 ftp(7223):    -> sock_alloc
  3389 ftp(7223):    <- sock_alloc
  3417 ftp(7223):   <- __sock_create
  4117 ftp(7223):   -> sock_create
  4160 ftp(7223):   <- sock_create
  4301 ftp(7223):   -> sock_map_fd
  4644 ftp(7223):    -> sock_map_file
  4699 ftp(7223):    <- sock_map_file
  4715 ftp(7223):   <- sock_map_fd
  4732 ftp(7223):  <- sys_socket
  4775 ftp(7223): <- sys_socketcall

Figure 3: Tracing and timing functions in net/sockets.c.

2.3 Exercises

  1. Use the -L option to systemtap to list all the kernel functions named with the word “nit” in them.
  2. Trace some system calls (use syscall.NAME and .return probe points), with the same thread_indent probe handler as in Figure 3. Print parameters using $$parms and $$return. Interpret the results.
  3. Change figure 3 by removing the .call modifier from the first probe. Note how function entry and function return now don’t match anymore. This is because now the first probe will match both normal function entry and inlined functions. Try putting the .call modifier back and add another probe just for probe kernel.function("*@net/socket.c").inline What printf statement can you come up with in the probe handler to show the inlined function entries nicely in between the .call and .return thread indented output?