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How to specify a path to a node in a nodeset using a variable

I have the following scenario

        <label>User Id:</label>
        <entryfield name="/Person/UserId/@name"/>   <!-- Value of name is an
XPath expr -->

<xsl:stylesheet ...OMITTED...>
<xsl:param name="container" select= "document('container.xml')" />
<xsl:template match="entryfield">
  <xsl:variable name="path" select="string(@name)"/>
  <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="{@name}">
     <xsl:attribute name="VALUE">
        <xsl:value-of select="$container/$path"/>
<!-- Here I want to fetch value of a node from nodeset $container identified
by $path -->
<!-- I know I can say $container/A/B/C/@D  which will fetch my value of
attribute D of C which is a child of B ...>

I want to specify a path to a node in a nodeset using a variable.

I am at my wits end on how to acheive this functionality.  I went through
XSLT Programmer's reference and have not been able to figure out a solution.

Please help

Shakeel Mahate

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