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RE: Saxon Quirk

> Instant Saxon 6.0.2/6.1/6.2 and Xalan 1.2.2. seem to be on better terms
> with preceding-sibling:: then with preceding:: 
> <xsl:variable name='allpubs' 
> select="//pubtag[@list='yes']/@pub[not(. =
> ../preceding-sibling::pubtag/@pub)]" />
This is true for the simple example that I provided, but my Real World
project has the "pubtag" at any level, so preceding-sibling would not work
for me.

> For a general solution, though,  Jeni's
>  /publist/pubtag[@list = 'yes']
>                 [count(.|key('pubs', @pub)[1]) = 1]
> is sound advice (as always).
I will probably try this or some form of it, but I also found out that the
data model that I have been protoyping to has just changed drastically for
these elements. Hopefully these changes will make my solution easier rather
than harder. 

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