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>XSLT processing corrupts character encoding
Hi folks,

In a very simplemple I want to change XML tag names from 'persons' and
'person' to 'humans' and 'human' respectively. The XML and XSLT file attached. Both are UTF-8 encoded - the XML file containing German Umlauts
and an Euro currency symbol as an example. Additioy I have attached the
result file. 

After Processing the tag names are changed correctly but the encoding was
corrupted as result file is NOT UTF-8 encoded. The German Umlauts are
ISO-8859-1 encoded while the Euro symbol is included as character rence
(which is correct but not intended). 

Can anybody tell me if my XML or XSLT file are not correct? 

I'm using JDK1.2.2ces-1.0.1/Xalan-0.19.2 for processing the files as in:
java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN encoding-test.xml -XSL
encodinst.xslt -OUT encoding-test-out.xml

Thanks in advance

BTW: If I choose HTML as output methode the German Umlauts ar as HTML
names entities and the Euro symbol is complete rubish ...
Christian Mallwitz INTERSHOP Communications Germanyior Software Engineer    phone: +49 3641 894 334


A HREF="msg00036/encoding-test.xslt" >encoding-test.xslt


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