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Re: Morale and opinions

Elijah Meeks wrote:

I attempted to use the 'has-opinions' unit attribute
but GDL didn't recognize it.

It appears to be 'opinions' and not 'has-opinions'.
From looking at the code, I would say that its format is:
(opinions ((side1 val1) (side2 val2) #| etc, etc... |#))
where 'side1', 'side2', and so on can either be a side number or a side symbol (such as "fed", without the double-quotes), and where 'val1', 'val2', etc... are numbers reflecting the degree of the opinion.
Alternatively, you can simply specify that an unit has opinions about a side, but in no particular quantity:
(opinions (side1 side2 #| etc... |#))
where 'side1', 'side2', and so on must be side symbols, and not numbers.
Or, you can specify:
(opinions (val1 val2 #| etc... |#))
where 'val1' is the unit's opinion of the first side, 'val2' is the unit's opinion of the second side, etc.... These are numbers.


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