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Re: ACP after type change

On Sun, 2004-05-16 at 17:19, wrote:
> This isn't a huge problem, but I think it's not really the most desirable
> behaviour:  on "change type", the newly-changed unit is given 0 ACP, and
> then the ACP to do the change is subtracted *after* the change; so if (as
> might often be the case) the unit is changing its own type, it ends up
> with -(the cost of the change) as its ACP after the change regardless of
> how many ACP it might have had before.  I'd rather see the ACP for the
> change subtracted first, and then the resulting value applied
> proportionally (as happens with HP, but maybe without the bonus "cannot be
> negative" feature that applies to HP).

I'll look into it as soon as I finish testing the patch I am working on.


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