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Re: Reduced Visibility Table?

Could there have been more than one unit in that cell?  I've run into
that occasionally, but only when two or more enemy units are present in
a cell and I am only aware of the presence of one of them.  It's because
when the UI tries to figure out what you want to do, it sees multiple
small unit images when you see only one, and so you could easily click
on a part of the cell that, if you could see all of the units in it, you
would know to be empty (not filled by the several small unit images),
but looks occupied because you only see one unit (with a single large

I would agree that it's a bug; the action the unit takes should be based
on what you see when you click on a cell, not necessarily what is
actually there.

Did anything I just said make any sense?

On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 18:22, Eric McDonald wrote:
> The circumstances are the ones that I mentioned to you sometime 
> ago. An enemy Armor (undiscovered) on a road passing through a 
> forest. One of my Fighters attempts to enter the cell occupied by 
> the Armor; the Armor remains undiscovered and the Fighters do not 
> attack it; instead I am told "Cannot enter blocking ZOC!" or 
> something like that. Attempt to enter the cell from another 
> direction with same Fighters, and, bingo, they attack the Armor. I 
> saw other instances of this occuring, but this is the one that I 
> clearly remember, since it is the one I mentioned to you 
> [several?] months ago. I have not seen it in Bellum now that many 
> unit ZOC's are set to -1 (as opposed to the default 0), but I 
> have not played much Bellum by hand since making those changes 
> either....
>  Regards,
>    Eric
Lincoln Peters <>

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