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Help menu position


 The conventional "help" menu position on any interactive application
is generally on the rightmost position on the top menu bar.

I actually did play for quite some time before discovering the help
system. I generally dont follow the practise of exploring every menu
option, like 98% of users I would say.

Once it is realised that getting help is simply a matter of pressing a
"?", then there is no issue of course. However it is important to follow
conventions for beginning players especially.

This is a trivial coding change of course. Nevertheless here is a
possible patch to implement it, that i did as a learning exercise

I'm looking forward to a really good flamewar over this.


diff -r -U 5 -p tcltk_orig/tkconq.tcl tcltk/tkconq.tcl
--- tcltk_orig/tkconq.tcl	Sun Oct 19 15:12:33 2003
+++ tcltk/tkconq.tcl	Sun Nov  2 09:47:26 2003
@@ -2494,13 +2494,10 @@ proc create_map_menus { map } {
     $map.menubar.file add command -label "New Game..." -state disabled
     $map.menubar.file add command -label "Open Game..." -state disabled
     $map.menubar.file add command -label "Chat" -state disabled \
 	    -command { popup_chat }
     $map.menubar.file add separator
-    $map.menubar.file add command -label "Help" -accelerator "?" \
-	    -command { popup_help_dialog }
-    $map.menubar.file add separator
     $map.menubar.file add command -label "Close" -state disabled
     $map.menubar.file add command -label "Save Game" -accelerator "S" \
 	    -command [ list execute_long_command $mapn "save 0" ]
     $map.menubar.file add command -label "Save Game As" \
 	    -command [ list execute_long_command $mapn "save 1" ]
@@ -2778,10 +2775,13 @@ proc create_map_menus { map } {
 	    -command { popup_meridian_interval_dialog } \
 	    -variable default_map_options(meridian_interval) -value 1
     $map.menubar.view add check -label $view_option_names(ai) \
 	    -command [ list set_map_view_option $map ai ] \
 	    -variable default_map_options(ai) -offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -selectcolor $scolor
+    $map.menubar add command -label "Help" -accelerator "?" \
+		-command { popup_help_dialog }
     global may_set_show_all
     global show_all_was_enabled
     set show_all_was_enabled($map) 0

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