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Re: [RFC] Possible BadWindow/BadDrawable Fix

>  So far the only way I have been able to get rid of the BadWindow errors in
>the Tcl/Tk interface on X is to destroy a window after it is withdrawn.
>This can be done in tkconq.tcl with:

>Or it can be done in tkmain.c with:

The second solution seems to be the best way if it works.

>And perhaps this could be wrapped in an appropriate #ifdef.
>  This has implications for window reuse. In the case of the .newgame window,
>it doesn't really matter, but means that other windows will need to be
>recreated from scratch each time they show up in the game.
>  My personal opinion is that new users are more likely to be scared off
>by the
>X messages than by a slightly longer delay due to window recreation. This
>is probably negligible on most modern machines, _not that I am advocating the
>neglect of older machines....

I don't think it matters under linux, either. But in MacTCL and WinTCL,
performance would suffer. However, if you use #ifdef UNIX things should be


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