Swedis Place Name Generator

Stan Shebs shebs@shebs.cnchost.com
Sat Sep 30 12:49:00 GMT 2000

Thanks, this looks great!

Erik Sigra wrote:
>           (reject "Åå"
>                   "åå"
>                   "älvälv" ;Quotation needed to avoid segfault

Tsk tsk, another bug... :-)

>           ) ;This doesn't work! (How do I use reject?)

Ya know, a funny thing happened on the way to the code - nobody
actually wrote the reject handling!  I guess the existing generators
weren't making enough bad strings to motivate, and as I look at
the code, I see two possibilities - rejection as a "top-level"
activity that forces the namer to rerun completely, or as
something that can be done to the result of any rule.  I'm
not yet sure which alternative would be better.


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