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Re: updated standard available for playtesting

On Wed, 11 Mar 1998 13:50:04 +0100, Marcus Schrattenholzer <> said:

1schratt> Tested your version of 'standard' last week - really cool, man!


1schratt> By the way, how are we supposed to 'clear mines' with the mineships?

An Engineer or a Mineship has a 90% hit chance to attack a mine, so if you find
an enemy mine and attack it, you should destroy it (though I have yet to automate
a good mine strategy into the ai).

1schratt> clearing a mine field of the enemy? Sometimes, mines disappeared with no
1schratt> obvious reason (enemy was far away) - what's that?

Since mines are a unit instead of a terrain type, the producing Engineer or mineship
has to stay around a turn after production to transfer an ammo to the mine. Without
the ammo, the mine starves.

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