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Re: trouble with installation of systemtap3-0 on Ubuntu 14.04


This thread is probably the closest to the problem I experience.

I need --monitor support in the stap. I am trying to compile the 3.0 release
On my Ubuntu 4.4.0-59-generic

pkg-config --exists --print-errors "json-c >= 0.12";echo $?
pkg-config --exists --print-errors "ncurses";echo $?

both return zero

I checked the ./configure and decided to run with

PKG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/pkg-config ./configure  --prefix=/home/arkady/systemtap/

Without PKG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/pkg-config ./configure fails to discover
json-c and ncurses.

I got 'yes' for both json-c and ncurses. The link (?) fails though

make[3]: Entering directory '/home/arkady/systemtap-3.0/staprun'
  CCLD     stapio
monitor.o: In function `comp_name':
/home/arkady/systemtap-3.0/staprun/monitor.c:151: undefined reference
to `json_object_object_get_ex'
I have ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjson.a and the library contains

What am I missing?


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