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Re: run-stap vs -c

Um, what?  


$ ./run-stap -e 'probe begin { printf("hello world\n") }' -c 'id -ru; id -u; id'
uid=5281(roland) gid=5281(roland) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0
hello world


$ ./run-stap -e 'probe begin { printf("hello world\n") }' -c 'id -ru; id -u; id'
ERROR: You are trying to run stap as a normal user.
You must be a member of either group "stapdev" or group "stapusr".
Please contact your system administrator to get yourself membership to either of those groups.
For more information, please consult the "SAFETY AND SECURITY" section of the "stap(1)" manpage.

staprun [-v]  [-c cmd ] [-x pid] [-u user] [-A|-L|-d]
	[-b bufsize] [-o FILE [-D] [-S size[,N]]] MODULE [module-options]
-v              Increase verbosity.
-c cmd          Command 'cmd' will be run and staprun will
                exit when it does.  The '_stp_target' variable
                will contain the pid for the command.
-x pid          Sets the '_stp_target' variable to pid.
-o FILE         Send output to FILE. This supports a subset of
                strftime(3) (%%,%C,%Y,%y,%m,%d,%e,%F,%H,%I
                %j,%k,%l,%M,%S,%R,%T,%u,%w) for FILE.
-b buffer size  The systemtap module specifies a buffer size.
                Setting one here will override that value.  The
                value should be an integer between 1 and 4095 
                which be assumed to be the buffer size in MB.
                That value will be per-cpu in bulk mode.
-L              Load module and start probes, then detach.
-A              Attach to loaded systemtap module.
-d              Delete a module.  Only detached or unused modules
                the user has permission to access will be deleted. Use "*"
                (quoted) to delete all unused modules.
-D              Run in background. This requires '-o' option.
-S size[,N]     Switches output file to next file when the size
                of file reaches the specified size. The value
                should be an integer greater than 1 which is
                assumed to be the maximum file size in MB.
                When the number of output files reaches N, it
                switches to the first output file. You can omit
                the second argument.
MODULE can be either a module name or a module path.  If a
module name is used, it is looked for in the following
directory: /lib/modules/`uname -r`/systemtap
Pass 5: run failed.  Try again with another '--vp 00001' option.
[Exit 1]

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