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location definition of stp_check


I wanted to build and run stpd in its source directory without installing it. I've copied stp_check and set its attribute to executable but I still got the error:
[root@localhost stpd]# ./stpd stap_9762.ko
stp_check: No such file or directory
Could not execute stp_check

It is originated by the following statement in main():
execlp(stp_check, stp_check, NULL)
while stp_check is defined as:
char *stp_check=PKGLIBDIR "/stp_check";
char *stp_check="stp_check";

I think normally "." is not included in $PATH and execlp("stp_check", "stp_check", NULL) always fails,
therefore we can change it like:
char *stp_check=PKGLIBDIR "/stp_check";
char *stp_check="./stp_check";

Any comments? thanks.

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