6a7,11 > # > # The variable CLIB holds the compiler switch used for linking to the C libray. > # The default setting is to link to MSVCRT.DLL, but you will have to change > # this if your application is using another library, like LIBCMT.LIB (obviously > # you can't use LIBC.LIB, since it's not thread-safe), change this variable. 12a18,22 > # Choose the C-library, /MD for MSVCRT.DLL or /MT for LIBCMT.LIB. The switch > # must be the same as you use for your application and all modules it uses! > > CLIB=/MD > 46c56 < cl /LDd /Zi /MD $(OBJ) /Fepthread.dll pthread.def --- > cl /LDd /Zi $(CLIB) $(OBJ) /Fepthread.dll pthread.def 49c59 < cl /W3 /MD /nologo /Yd /Zi /I. \ --- > cl /W3 $(CLIB) /nologo /Yd /Zi /I. \