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Re: [PATCH, newlib] Allow locking routine to be retargeted

On 24/01/17 09:58, Freddie Chopin wrote:
On Fri, 2017-01-20 at 13:37 +0000, Thomas Preudhomme wrote:
Have you had time to work on the last version of the patch?

OK, I finally got down to it.

The toolchain builds, but this is obvious.

Some of the locks are not always needed:

1. dd_hash_lock from posix/telldir.c is defined only if HAVE_DD_LOCK is
defined. It seems that only linux and phoenix define that macro, but it
would be OK to have this lock conditional.

2. __sfp_lock and __sinit_lock from stdio/findfp.c, __tz_lock_object
from time/tzlock.c, __malloc_lock_object from stdlib/mlock.c and
__env_lock_object from stdlib/envlock.c are defined only when
__SINGLE_THREAD__ is _NOT_ defined.

However __atexit_lock in
stdlib/__call_atexit.c is defined in case of __SINGLE_THREAD__
configuration, but it is not used, as all uses are conditional anyway.

I think it's fragile to rely on how it's used. Someone could add a new use and will not think of changing the definition of the __lock_ counterpart unless they are testing the retargetable lock feature.

On the other hand dd_hash_lock and atexit_mutex are not protected with
that macro. Maybe all locks should be conditional on this macro?

That sounds like a reasonable thing to do. Why would one need a lock in a single threaded environment? In that case I think the __SINGLE_THREAD__ guard should be right in lock.h which would clean up the code nicely.

I'll look into doing that.

Best regards,


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