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Re: Texinfo 5 fix (partial)

Jeff Johnston wrote, On 04/29/2013 04:49 PM:
Thanks.  Patch committed.

-- Jeff J.

On 04/28/2013 02:03 PM, Freddie Chopin wrote:

I attach a fix for building newlib docs with texinfo 5.

First fix (@ -> @@) is based on fix from binutils, as they have almost
exactly the same fragment in their docs. Here's the link to binutils'

Without the attached patch I get sth like "unknown commands - colophon
and cygnus" (don't have the exact wording now, sorry).

The other change (ifinfo -> ifnottex) is based on suggestion from error

The first fix allows me to build pdf correctly, but HTML generation
fails with:

rm -rf libm.htp
if makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --split-size=5000000  --html   -I
/home/freddie/bleeding-edge-toolchain/src/newlib/newlib/libm \
 -o libm.htp

then \
  rm -rf libm.html; \
  if test ! -d libm.htp && test -d libm; then \
    mv libm libm.html; else mv libm.htp libm.html; fi; \
else \
  if test ! -d libm.htp && test -d libm; then \
    rm -rf libm; else rm -Rf libm.htp libm.html; fi; \
  exit 1; \
./targetdep.tex:41: @menu reference to nonexistent node `acos'
./targetdep.tex:42: @menu reference to nonexistent node `acosh'
./targetdep.tex:43: @menu reference to nonexistent node `asin'
./targetdep.tex:44: @menu reference to nonexistent node `asinh'
./targetdep.tex:45: @menu reference to nonexistent node `atan'
./targetdep.tex:46: @menu reference to nonexistent node `atan2'
./targetdep.tex:47: @menu reference to nonexistent node `atanh'
./targetdep.tex:48: @menu reference to nonexistent node `jN'
./targetdep.tex:49: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cbrt'
./targetdep.tex:50: @menu reference to nonexistent node `copysign'
./targetdep.tex:51: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cosh'
./targetdep.tex:52: @menu reference to nonexistent node `erf'
./targetdep.tex:53: @menu reference to nonexistent node `exp'
./targetdep.tex:54: @menu reference to nonexistent node `exp2'
./targetdep.tex:55: @menu reference to nonexistent node `expm1'
./targetdep.tex:56: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fabs'
./targetdep.tex:57: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fdim'
./targetdep.tex:58: @menu reference to nonexistent node `floor'
./targetdep.tex:59: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fma'
./targetdep.tex:60: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fmax'
./targetdep.tex:61: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fmin'
./targetdep.tex:62: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fmod'
./targetdep.tex:63: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fpclassify'
./targetdep.tex:64: @menu reference to nonexistent node `frexp'
./targetdep.tex:65: @menu reference to nonexistent node `gamma'
./targetdep.tex:66: @menu reference to nonexistent node `hypot'
./targetdep.tex:67: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ilogb'
./targetdep.tex:68: @menu reference to nonexistent node `infinity'
./targetdep.tex:69: @menu reference to nonexistent node `isgreater'
./targetdep.tex:70: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ldexp'
./targetdep.tex:71: @menu reference to nonexistent node `log'
./targetdep.tex:72: @menu reference to nonexistent node `log10'
./targetdep.tex:73: @menu reference to nonexistent node `log1p'
./targetdep.tex:74: @menu reference to nonexistent node `log2'
./targetdep.tex:75: @menu reference to nonexistent node `logb'
./targetdep.tex:76: @menu reference to nonexistent node `lrint'
./targetdep.tex:77: @menu reference to nonexistent node `lround'
./targetdep.tex:78: @menu reference to nonexistent node `matherr'
./targetdep.tex:79: @menu reference to nonexistent node `modf'
./targetdep.tex:80: @menu reference to nonexistent node `nan'
./targetdep.tex:81: @menu reference to nonexistent node `nearbyint'
./targetdep.tex:82: @menu reference to nonexistent node `nextafter'
./targetdep.tex:83: @menu reference to nonexistent node `pow'
./targetdep.tex:84: @menu reference to nonexistent node `remainder'
./targetdep.tex:85: @menu reference to nonexistent node `remquo'
./targetdep.tex:86: @menu reference to nonexistent node `rint'
./targetdep.tex:87: @menu reference to nonexistent node `round'
./targetdep.tex:88: @menu reference to nonexistent node `scalbn'
./targetdep.tex:89: @menu reference to nonexistent node `signbit'
./targetdep.tex:90: @menu reference to nonexistent node `sin'
./targetdep.tex:91: @menu reference to nonexistent node `sinh'
./targetdep.tex:92: @menu reference to nonexistent node `sqrt'
./targetdep.tex:93: @menu reference to nonexistent node `tan'
./targetdep.tex:94: @menu reference to nonexistent node `tanh'
./targetdep.tex:95: @menu reference to nonexistent node `trunc'
./targetdep.tex:228: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cabs'
./targetdep.tex:229: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cacos'
./targetdep.tex:230: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cacosh'
./targetdep.tex:231: @menu reference to nonexistent node `carg'
./targetdep.tex:232: @menu reference to nonexistent node `casin'
./targetdep.tex:233: @menu reference to nonexistent node `casinh'
./targetdep.tex:234: @menu reference to nonexistent node `catan'
./targetdep.tex:235: @menu reference to nonexistent node `catanh'
./targetdep.tex:236: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ccos'
./targetdep.tex:237: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ccosh'
./targetdep.tex:238: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cexp'
./targetdep.tex:239: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cimag'
./targetdep.tex:240: @menu reference to nonexistent node `clog'
./targetdep.tex:241: @menu reference to nonexistent node `conj'
./targetdep.tex:242: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cpow'
./targetdep.tex:243: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cproj'
./targetdep.tex:244: @menu reference to nonexistent node `creal'
./targetdep.tex:245: @menu reference to nonexistent node `csin'
./targetdep.tex:246: @menu reference to nonexistent node `csinh'
./targetdep.tex:247: @menu reference to nonexistent node `csqrt'
./targetdep.tex:248: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ctan'
./targetdep.tex:249: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ctanh'
make[4]: *** [libm.html] Error 1

I still see this error even with Freddie C's patches (using the latest newlib which seems to contain them). Build of newlib works OK including "make pdf". Only "make.html" is failing so don't get libc.html nor libm.html built due to above error. Only if I remove the offending lines in targetdep.tex listed above, I can run

makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --split-size=5000000  --html   -I
/home/<my-path>/src/newlib/newlib/libm \
-o libm.htp /home/<my-path>/src/newlib/newlib/libm/libm.texinfo

and it produces libm.htp. However, don't know enough about how tex/makeinfo etc works to understand what needs to be fixed (or what I may be doing wrong). Had no problems with older texi stuff (4.x) with exact same build scripts but new fedora 20 has moved to 5.x. (Several other packages failed to build documentation due to 5.x but found solutions for them.)

Previous to that there are also some warnings for libc:

rm -rf libc.htp
if makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --split-size=5000000  --html   -I
/home/freddie/bleeding-edge-toolchain/src/newlib/newlib/libc \
 -o libc.htp

then \
  rm -rf libc.html; \
  if test ! -d libc.htp && test -d libc; then \
    mv libc libc.html; else mv libc.htp libc.html; fi; \
else \
  if test ! -d libc.htp && test -d libc; then \
    rm -rf libc; else rm -Rf libc.htp libc.html; fi; \
  exit 1; \
stdlib/div.def:1: warning: node next `div' in menu `ecvtbuf' and in
sectioning `ecvt' differ
stdlib/efgcvt.def:1: warning: node next `ecvt' in menu `__env_lock'
and in sectioning `gvcvt' differ
stdlib/efgcvt.def:1: warning: node prev `ecvt' in menu `ecvtbuf' and
in sectioning `div' differ
stdlib/efgcvt.def:60: warning: node next `gvcvt' in menu `exit' and in
sectioning `ecvtbuf' differ
stdlib/efgcvt.def:60: warning: node prev `gvcvt' in menu `__env_lock'
and in sectioning `ecvt' differ
stdlib/ecvtbuf.def:1: warning: node next `ecvtbuf' in menu `ecvt' and
in sectioning `__env_lock' differ
stdlib/ecvtbuf.def:1: warning: node prev `ecvtbuf' in menu `div' and
in sectioning `gvcvt' differ
stdlib/envlock.def:1: warning: node next `__env_lock' in menu `gvcvt'
and in sectioning `exit' differ
stdlib/envlock.def:1: warning: node prev `__env_lock' in menu `ecvt'
and in sectioning `ecvtbuf' differ
stdlib/exit.def:1: warning: node prev `exit' in menu `gvcvt' and in
sectioning `__env_lock' differ
stdlib/mlock.def:1: warning: node next `__malloc_lock' in menu
`mbsrtowcs' and in sectioning `mblen' differ
stdlib/mblen.def:1: warning: node next `mblen' in menu `mbtowc' and in
sectioning `mbsrtowcs' differ
stdlib/mblen.def:1: warning: node prev `mblen' in menu `mbstowcs' and
in sectioning `__malloc_lock' differ
stdlib/mbsnrtowcs.def:1: warning: node prev `mbsrtowcs' in menu
`__malloc_lock' and in sectioning `mblen' differ
stdlib/mbstowcs.def:1: warning: node next `mbstowcs' in menu `mblen'
and in sectioning `mbtowc' differ
stdlib/mbtowc.def:1: warning: node prev `mbtowc' in menu `mblen' and
in sectioning `mbstowcs' differ
ctype/iswalpha.def:1: warning: node next `iswalpha' in menu `iswblank'
and in sectioning `iswcntrl' differ
ctype/iswcntrl.def:1: warning: node next `iswcntrl' in menu `iswdigit'
and in sectioning `iswblank' differ
ctype/iswcntrl.def:1: warning: node prev `iswcntrl' in menu `iswblank'
and in sectioning `iswalpha' differ
ctype/iswblank.def:1: warning: node next `iswblank' in menu `iswcntrl'
and in sectioning `iswdigit' differ
ctype/iswblank.def:1: warning: node prev `iswblank' in menu `iswalpha'
and in sectioning `iswcntrl' differ
ctype/iswdigit.def:1: warning: node prev `iswdigit' in menu `iswcntrl'
and in sectioning `iswblank' differ

But these make no harm - libc.html is generated and seems to be correct
- it's libm.html that causes trouble.


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