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newlib's version of strtod, strtof, strtold, and atof

Dear Newlib mavens,

I am donating to Newlib a replacement for the atof, strtod, strtof, and strtold functions. Please take a look at it and hack it.

The version of strtod in the Newlib stdlib section was hacked to generate NaNs, but it doesn't do infinites or hexadecimal floating point numbers. The one I wrote is a lot closer to the C99 spec. The only thing I didn't try to be meticulous about was the n-char-sequence in NaNs, but on the whole I thought it was better than the one that was there. (It also introduces strtold!)

Please take a look at it and tell me what you think.

Gregory Pietsch
/* strtold.c - code for the atof, strtod, strtof, and strtold functions

   AUTHOR: Gregory Pietsch
   The strtod, strtof, and strtold functions convert the initial portion of the
   string pointed to by nptr to double, float, and long double representations,
   respectively. First, they decompose the input string into three parts: an
   initial, possibly empty, sequence of white-space characters (as specified by
   the isspace function), a subject sequence resembling a floating-point
   constant or representing infinity or NaN, and a final sequence of one or
   more unrecognized characters, including the terminating null character of
   the input string. Then, they attempt to convert the subject string to a
   floating-point number, and return the result.
   The expected form of the subject sequence is an optional plus or minus sign,
   then one of the following:
   - a nonempty sequence of decimal digits optionally containing a decimal-
     point character, then an optional exponent part as defined in;
   - a 0x or 0X, then a nonempty sequence of hexadecimal digits optionally
     containing a decimal-point character, then an optional binary exponent
     part as defined in;
   - one of INF or INFINITY, ignoring case
   - one of NAN or NAN(n-char-sequence_opt), ignoring case in the NAN part,
         n-char-sequence digit
         n-char-sequence non-digit
   The subject sequence is defined as the longest initial subsequence of the
   input string, starting with the first non-white-space character, that is of
   the expected form. The subject sequence contains no characters if the input
   string is not of the expected form.
   If the subject sequence has the expected form for a floating-point number,
   the sequence of characters starting with the first digit or the decimal-
   point character (whichever comes first) is interpreted as a floating 
   constant according to the rules of, except that the decimal-point
   character is used in place of a period, and that if neither an exponent part
   nor a decimal-point character appears in a decimal floating-point number,
   or if a binary exponent part does not appear in a hexadecimal floating-point
   number, an exponent part of the appropriate type with value zero is assumed
   to follow the last digit in the string. If the subject sequence begins with
   a minus sign, the sequence is interpreted as negated. (It is unspecified
   whether a minus-signed sequence is converted to a negative number directly
   or by negating the value resulting from converting the corresponding
   unsigned sequence [see F.5]; the two methods may yield different results if
   rounding is toward positive or negative infinity. In either case, the
   functions honor the sign of zero if floating-point arithmetic supports 
   signed zeros.) A character sequence INF or INFINITY is interpreted as an
   infinity, if representable in the return type, else like a floating constant
   that is too large for the range of the return type. A character sequence
   NAN or NAN(n-char-sequence_opt), is interpreted as a quiet NaN, if supported
   in the return type, else like a subject sequence part that does not have the
   expected form; the meaning of the n-char-sequences is implementation-defined
   (an implementation may use the n-char-sequence to determine extra
   information to be represented in the NaN's significand). A pointer to the
   final string is stored in the object pointed to by endptr, provided that
   endptr is not a null pointer.
   If the subject string has the hexadecimal form and FLT_RADIX is a power of
   2, the value resulting from the conversion is correctly rounded.
   In other than the "C" locale, additional locale-specific subject sequences
   may be accepted.

   If the subject sequence is empty or does not have the expected form, no
   conversion is performed; the value of nptr is stored in the object pointed
   to by endptr, provided that endptr is not a null pointer.
   If the subject sequence has the hexadecimal form, FLT_RADIX is not a power
   of 2, and the result is not exactly representable, the result should be one
   of the two numbers in the appropriate internal format that are adjacent to
   the hexadecimal floating source value, with the stipulation that the error
   should have the correct sign for the current rounding direction.
   If the subject sequence has the decimal form and at most DECIMAL_DIG
   (defined in <float.h>) significant digits, the result should be correctly
   rounded. If the subject sequence D has the decimal form and more than 
   DECIMAL_DIG significant digits, consider the two bounding, adjacent
   decimal strings L and U, both having DECIMAL_DIG significant digits, such
   that the values of L, D, and U satisfy L <= D <= U. The result should be
   one of the (equal or adjacent) values that would be obtained by correctly
   rounding L and U according to the current rounding direction, with the extra
   stipulation that the error with respect to D should have a correct sign for
   the current rounding direction. (DECIMAL_DIG, defined in <float.h>, should
   be significantly large that L and U will usually round to the same internal
   floating value, but if not will round to adjacent values.)
   The functions return the converted value, if any. If no conversion could be
   performed, zero is returned. If the correct value is outside the range of
   representable values, plus or minus HUGE_VAL, HUGE_VALF, or HUGE_VALL is
   returned (according to the return type and sign of the value), and the value
   of the macro ERANGE is stored in errno. If the result underflows (7.12.1),
   the functions return a value whose magnitude is no greater than the smallest
   normalized positive number in the return type; whether errno acquires the
   value ERANGE is implementation-defined.
   This file is placed into the public domain by the author, Gregory Pietsch.
   Do with it what you wish; just don't pretend that you wrote it.

/* includes needed by this file */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* defines */

/* SIG_MAX: the maximum number of significant digits we have. The maximum
   number of significant digits in a long double must be at least 35,
   which is the number of significant digits in an IEEE quad precision
   floating-point number (113 * log10(2.0), rounded up). */
#define SIG_MAX 40

/* _Memcasecmp: return a case-insensitive comparison of two areas of
   memory. */
static int
_Memcasecmp (const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n)
  const unsigned char *su1, *su2;

  for (su1 = s1, su2 = s2; 0 < n; ++su1, ++su2, --n)
      if (toupper (*su1) != toupper (*su2))
	return (*su1 < *su2 ? -1 : +1);
  return 0;

/* _Ldmul: multiply y by *px with checking */
static int
_Ldmul(long double *px, long double y)
  int lexp;
  long double ld;
  ld = frexpl(*px, &lexp) * y;
  errno = 0;
  *px = ldexpl(ld, lexp);	/* ldexpl can overflow */
  return errno != 0 ? -1 : 0;
/* _Ldtento: compute x * 10^n, paranoid style */
static long double
_Ldtento(long double x, int n)
  long double factor, fac10;
  int errx;
  unsigned nu;
  if (n == 0 || x == 0.0L)
    return x;
  factor = 1.0L;
  if (n < 0)
      /* scale down */
      nu = -(unsigned)n;
      for (fac10 = 10.0L; 0 < nu; nu >>= 1, fac10 *= fac10)
          if (nu & 1)
            factor *= fac10;
      errx = _Ldmul(&x, 1.0L/factor);
      /* scale up */
      for (fac10 = 10.0L; 0 < n; n >>= 1, fac10 *= fac10)
          if (n & 1)
            factor *= fac10;
      errx = _Ldmul(&x, factor);
  if (0 < errx)
    errno = ERANGE;
  return x;

/* _Stold: return the classification of the floating-point number (FP_ZERO
   if there's no number; if there's a zero, return FP_NORMAL). 
   The pld parameter is a possibly-returned long double;
   the pnan parameter is the n-char-sequence returned if we're
   returning FP_NAN. */
static int
_Stold (const char *s, char **endptr, long double *pld, char **pnan)
  static const char hexits[] = {
    '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e',
  const char point = localeconv ()->decimal_point[0];
  const char *sc;
  char buf[SIG_MAX];
  char sign;
  long double x, fac, facpow;
  int ndigit, nsig, nzero, olead, opoint, base;
  size_t m;
  char *p;
  const char *pc;
  int n;
  unsigned long lo[SIG_MAX / 8 + 1], *pl;
  short sexp;
  long lexp;
  const char *scsav, esign;

  /* Get past the spaces.  */
  for (sc = s; isspace (*sc); ++sc)
  /* Get past the initial sign.  */
  sign = (*sc == '-' || *sc == '+') ? *sc++ : '+';
  /* Do we have INFINITY or INF? */
  if (_Memcasecmp (*sc, "INFINITY", m = 8) == 0
      || _Memcasecmp (*sc, "INF", m = 3) == 0)
      if (endptr)
	*endptr = sc + m;
      *pld = (sign == '-') ? -1.0L : +1.0L;
      return FP_INFINITE;
  /* Do we have NAN or NAN(nan-char-sequence_opt)? */
  if (_Memcasecmp (*sc, "NAN(", m = 4) == 0
      || _Memcasecmp (*sc, "NAN", m = 3) == 0)
      sc += m;
      if (m == 4)
	  /* pick off the optional n-char-sequence */
	  p = strchr (sc, ')');
	  if (p == 0)
	    sc--;		/* pretend the '(' doesn't belong */
	  else if (p == sc)
	      /* no n-char-sequence */
	      *pnan = 0;
	      /* This could be a little more meticulous... */
	      *pnan = malloc ((p - sc) + 1);
	      if (*pnan == 0)
		sc--;		/* out of memory */
		  memcpy (*pnan, sc, (p - sc) - 1);
		  (*pnan)[p - sc] = '\0';
	*nan = 0;
      if (endptr)
	*endptr = sc;
      *pld = (sign == '-') ? -1.0L : +1.0L;
      return FP_NAN;
  /* Do we have a hexadecimal floating-point constant? */
  if (_Memcasecmp (*sc, "0X", 2) == 0)
      sc += 2;
      base = 16;
    base = 10;
  /* get the digits/hexits before the exponent */
  for (ndigit = nsig = nzero = 0, olead = opoint = -1;; ++sc)
      if (*sc == point)
	  /* found a decimal point */
	  if (0 <= opoint)
	    break;		/* already seen point */
	    opoint = ndigit;
      else if (*sc == '0')
	  /* saw a zero */
      else if ((base == 16 && !isxdigit (*sc))
	       || (base == 10 && !isdigit (*sc)))
	  /* found a nonzero digit */
	  if (olead < 0)
	    olead = nzero;
	      /* deliver zeros */
	      for (; 0 < nzero && nsig < SIG_MAX; --nzero)
		buf[nsig++] = 0;
	  if (nsig < SIG_MAX)
	      /* deliver digit */
	      if (base == 10)
		buf[nsig++] = *sc - '0';
		  p = strchr (hexits, tolower (*sc));
		  buf[nsig++] = p - hexits;
  if (ndigit == 0)
      /* no digits? return not-a-long double */
      if (endptr)
	*endptr = (char *) s;
      return FP_ZERO;
  /* skip trailing digits */
  for (; 0 < nsig && buf[nsig - 1] == 0; --nsig)
  /* compute significand */
  *pc = buf;
  pl = lo + (nsig >> 3);
  for (*pl = 0, n = nsig; 0 < n; --n)
      if ((n & 7) == 0)
	*--pl = *pc++;
	*pl = *pl * base + *pc++;
  fac = facpow = (base == 10) ? 1e8L : +4294967296.0L;
  for (x = (long double) *lo, n = 0; ++n <= (nsig >> 3);)
      if (lo[n] != 0UL)
	x += fac * lo[n];
      fac *= facpow;
  /* fold in any explicit exponent */
  lexp = 0;
  if ((base == 10 && (*sc == 'e' || *sc == 'E'))
      || (base == 16 && (*sc == 'p' || *sc == 'P')))
      *scsav = sc;
      esign = *++sc == '+' || *sc == '-' ? *sc++ : '+';
      if (!isdigit (*sc))
	*sc = *scsav;		/* ill-formed exponent */
	  /* exponent looks valid */
	  for (; isdigit (*sc); ++sc)
	    if (lexp < 10000)
	      lexp = lexp * 10 + (*sc - '0');
	  /* else overflow */
	  if (esign == '-')
	    lexp = -lexp;
  if (endptr)
    *endptr = (char *) sc;
  if (opoint < 0)
    lexp += ndigit - nsig;
    lexp += opoint - olead - nsig;
  sexp =
    (lexp <
     SHRT_MIN) ? SHRT_MIN : ((lexp < SHRT_MAX) ? (short) lexp : SHRT_MAX);
  if (base == 10)
    *pld = _Ldtento (x, sexp);
    *pld = ldexpl (x, (int) (sexp) << 2);
  if (sign == '-')
    *pld = -*ld;
  return FP_NORMAL;

/* exported functions */

/* atof */
double (atof) (const char *nptr)
  return strtod (nptr, 0);

/* strtod */
double (strtod) (const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr)
  long double ld;
  char *nan_arg = 0;
  double d;

  switch (_Stold (nptr, endptr, &ld, &nan_arg))
    case FP_NORMAL:
      if ((ld < 0.0L ? -ld : ld) > DBL_MAX)
	  errno = ERANGE;
	  return (ld < 0.0L) ? -HUGE_VAL : HUGE_VAL;
	return (double) ld;
    case FP_ZERO:
      return 0.0;
    case FP_NAN:
      d = copysign (nan (nan_arg), (double) ld);
      if (nan_arg != 0)
	free (nan_arg);
      return d;
    case FP_INFINITE:
      return ld < 0.0L ? -HUGE_VAL : HUGE_VAL;

/* strtof */
float (strtof) (const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr)
  long double ld;
  char *nan_arg = 0;
  float f;

  switch (_Stold (nptr, endptr, &ld, &nan_arg))
    case FP_NORMAL:
      if ((ld < 0.0L ? -ld : ld) > FLT_MAX)
	  errno = ERANGE;
	  return (ld < 0.0L) ? -HUGE_VALF : HUGE_VALF;
	return (float) ld;
    case FP_ZERO:
      return 0.0F;
    case FP_NAN:
      f = copysignf (nanf (nan_arg), (float) ld);
      if (nan_arg != 0)
	free (nan_arg);
      return f;
    case FP_INFINITE:
      return ld < 0.0L ? -HUGE_VALF : HUGE_VALF;

/* strtold */
long double (strtold) (const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr)
  long double ld;
  char *nan_arg = 0;

  switch (_Stold (nptr, endptr, &ld, &nan_arg))
    case FP_NORMAL:
      return ld;
    case FP_ZERO:
      return 0.0;
    case FP_NAN:
      ld = copysignl (nanl (nan_arg), ld);
      if (nan_arg != 0)
	free (nan_arg);
      return ld;
    case FP_INFINITE:
      return ld < 0.0L ? -HUGE_VALL : HUGE_VALL;


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