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Re: [Fwd: Modes, stack setup for "no-OS" ARM app]

Hi Toralf,

I've been wondering about how I should handle processor modes and set up
stack pointers etc. for my newlib-based ARM application running on a
"bare" system (no OS, no debug monitor.) Unlike the default crt0, mine
will definitely have to set up stack pointers for more than one mode,
since I use interrupts actively.

(Starting from a privileged mode) use the MSR instruction to write to the CPSR to select the privileged mode you want. Then initialise that modes stack pointer. Then move on to the next mode.

Also, I'm not quite sure what mode the
application itself ought to run under. I need to access "privileged"
registers etc. during the init phase at least, so some bits have to run
in Supervisor or System, but do I want to do *everything* in one of
those modes?

No - if at all possible run in User mode. This will give you the most protection from bugs in your overwriting important registers and memory locations.

Some issues related to this (in no particular order):

  1. Once User mode is entered, there is no easy way back, as far as I
     know, so I can't simply switch to that mode e.g. to set up the
     stack, if I want SVC or System later.

Correct. The only way back is via an interrupt, (hard or soft) which is supposed to be vectored into OS code which decides if the process can have its privileges escalated. In your case you should be able to install a vector into 0x00000008 and then use the SWI instruction to start that code executing in Supervisor mode.

  2. System is ARM version 4 and above, so perhaps I shouldn't use that
     in my crt0, which I intend to be very general.

There are very few ARMv3 and earlier systems left these days, so you probably can safely ignore them. Using ARMv4 as the basis of your crt0 should be quite safe.

  3. As far as I can tell, there is no way to access the user mode
     stack pointer e.g. from supervisor mode, at least when using gas.

Check out the LDM(2) and STM(2) instructions. (You do have a copy of the ARM Architecture Reference Manual right ?). They will allow user mode general purpose registers to be accessed when running in a privileged mode.


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