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Fw: If you like shopping o.n,line, wh~'at are you wa,iti-ng for?

her lover, and destroy him by her confession.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Mcdonald []
To: perry ritzearnest beraunted melchinquincy bogdenarnold kuchan
Sent: Wednesday, October, 2004 6:52 AM
Subject: If you like shopping o'n_line, wh'`at are you wa`iti`ng for?

Experience the reliable service and check out the l~o,w price on Xalatan,
Aten'-olol, Zyban,  and V~al'~ium. Find out m~or_e here o`n.line with us.

It was actually the fr^.ie-nd in one fitness club referred your site. At
first I were still n^.ot f,u_lly comfortable with o-rde~-r m--ed`s o_n^line
without seeing the m_.ed~s first. But as the o'rde,~r process went on, I
were m^or`e relaxed cause there was n`^o other hassel. Finally I received
the o_rde,^r del_i_vered to my door and it was n-`ot one end. Next time, I
will try to o'rde'_r m~'ed_s with your site again.   --Kanny G. MI
milieubeskyttelseshensyns19  kassedamers05 hennings maureres  lidkøbene

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