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Re: Cross-compiling libffi on ppc 603e

Le 03/02/2016, FrÃdÃric a Ãcrit :

> I cross-compiled Python 2.5.3 for an embedded VME card running a 32bits
> ppc 603e processor:
> All worked fine, except the _ctypes python module, using libffi, which
> failed with the following error:
> In file included from Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/prep_cif.c:26:
> build/temp.linux2-powerpc-2.7/libffi/include/ffi.h:153:
>   #error "no 64-bit data type supported"
> (python 2.5.3 uses libffi 3.0.13).
> Any idea why I can't cross-compile on this platform? I can see that ppc
> 32bits is supported. I may need to give an additional env. var. to my
> toolchain?

No idea?


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