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Re: configure libc-ports push/commit hook to email diffs to which list?

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Carlos O'Donell wrote:
> Did anyone answer your question?


And I installed the hook, as mentioned in that thread.
However, no email has been sent.

I investigated that today and found that the post-receive-email
script (from git.git) depends on being able to identify never-before-seen
commits in a way that is incompatible with having symlinked branches.

Currently glibc-ports has a branch named cvs/master,
and another "master" that is just a link to it.
That causes the hook script to think every commit
on master has already been "seen" via another branch (cvs/master).

I assume that no one depends on the cvs/master name, since it's just
an alias, so am planning to remove "master" and rename cvs/master to master.
That will appease the email sending hook script.

Oh.. there were two problems.
The first made it so no email was sent at all.
Once it was fixed, you'd get email, but no diffs.

The first one was due to the oddly-named "cvs/(null)" branch.
I've just deleted that:

    $ g br -D 'cvs/(null)'
    Deleted branch cvs/(null) (was f59df14).

I'll rename cvs/master tomorrow or Monday.

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