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small but tough idea for a new function


It is difficult for a beginner programmer to create its own  function with variable argument ex : printf, sprintf etc !!

There exists a function : int sprintf( ...)  but not  char *ssprintf( ....) !!!

I found in the library GLBC code sprintf : 

int ssprintf(char *s, const char *format, ...)
    va_list arg;
    int done;
    va_start (arg, format);
    done = vsprintf (s, format, arg);
    va_end (arg);
    return (done);

If you create this function : char *ssprintf(...

char *ssprintf(char *s, const char *format, ...)
    va_list arg;
    int done;
    va_start (arg, format);
    done = vsprintf (s, format, arg);
    va_end (arg);
    return ((char *)s);

This function return : s = programmeur string 

With this function it is possible to transform :  

A basic function  int fct(char *)  to a function with a variable argument  int fct(char *s,char *fmt,...) with a simple #define !!!!!

My example: 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

// simple  stderr print
int fct(char *s)
   if( s )


void main(void)
   char text[80];

   sprintf(text,"Hello glibc my name is : %s","fct");

    fct( text );


// => My idea 

char buff[1024];

#define newfct(format,....)   fct( ssprintf(buff,format,__VA_ARGS__))

// In main() now you can write 

int num=15;

newfct("Hello %s  my name is : %s and num=%d ","glibc","newfct",num);

With  char *ssprintf(...) any programmer can make a function with arguments !!

best regards, 		 	   		  

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