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Re: [PATCH] nscd: Improve nscd.conf comments.

On 8/16/19 11:45 AM, Florian Weimer wrote:
> * Carlos O'Donell:
>> +#	NOTE: Setting 'shared' to a value of 'yes' will accelerate the lookup
>> +#	      with the help of the client, but these lookups will not be
>> +#	      counted as cache hits i.e. 'nscd -g' may show '0%'.
> The “with the help of the client” part is quite confusing.  I think you
> should say that for the shared case, nscd does not observe any cache
> hits at all.  It's not that the client performs the lookup on behalf of
> nscd or something like that.

I guess you're right the client does the lookup itself, not on behalf of
nscd, it gets to do it's own lookup for iteslf.

IIUC you are suggesting that the implementation detail is not relevant
to the note that nscd will not see the cache hits? That's a good point
and simplifies this NOTE.

How about something like this:
NOTE: Setting 'shared' to a value of 'yes' will accelerate the lookup,
      but those lookups will not be counted as cache hits i.e. 'nscd -g'
      may show '0%'.

That avoids implementation details but documents the current behaviour
that you get when you enable the shared cache and expect lookups to
contribute to cache hit statistics.

Does that text look OK?


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