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RE: getaddrinfo sort destination ip list


I want to know if there is a plan for glibc to implement RFC6724? (The latest glibc2.29 still implement RFC3484 from my understanding)
Especially the "common prefix length" part. (since RFC3484 break DNS load balancing which we are using in our product. So I suppose DNS load balancing would be fine with RFC6724.


2.2 common Prefix Length

We define the common prefix length CommonPrefixLen(A,B) of two addresses A and B as the length of the longest prefix (looking at the most significant, or leftmost, bits) that the two addresses have in common. It ranges from 0 to 128.

RFC 6724:
Common Prefix Length
We define the common prefix length CommonPrefixLen(S,D) of a source address S and a destination address D as the length of the longest prefix (looking at the most significant, or leftmost, bits) that the two addresses have in common, up to the length of S's prefix (i.e., the portion of the address not including the interface ID). For example, CommonPrefixLen(fe80::1, fe80::2) is 64.

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