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Re: [PATCH] Aarch64: Add simd exp/expf functions

On 07/03/2019 15:08, Joseph Myers wrote:
> 1. The commit message needs to reference the specification of the ABI 
> being immplemented, and give confirmation of this having been agreed among 
> all relevant parties, and give details of the GCC version implementing the 
> ABI.  (The ABI document should be clear on exactly what function variants 
> the pragma / attributes mean should be available.  If you wish to add 
> other variants in future, e.g. SVE variants, those will need to use a 
> *different* pragma / attribute, to avoid new compilers misinterpreting the 
> headers from old glibc as meaning the CVE variants are available.)

the next revision of the vector abi document will try to address this.
(might need some gcc changes)

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