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Re: Fix p_secstodate overflow handling (bug 22463)

On 11/21/2017 03:35 PM, Joseph Myers wrote:
My reading of section 3.2 together with section 3.1.5 would be that *when
giving a textual representation of a value from the wire format*, it's
either YYYYMMDDHHmmSS for the*actual*  time (within 2**31 seconds of the
present time), as long as that involves a year from 0001 to 9999, or the
decimal value of the 32 bits from the wire.

Sorry, I'm not quite following. Surely you don't mean that p_secstodate should have time-dependent behavior, i.e., that it should call clock_gettime or equivalent in order to determine whether the requested timestamp is in the 68-year window around the current time, so that it can generate the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format.

It says nothing about what the textual representation should be for an API
that is given extra information beyond the 32 bits on the wire, such as
p_secstodate on a 64-bit system.

Yes, we're agreed that the RFC does not specify an API. However, the API is intended for use in generating strings that follow the RFC-specified format, and that's all that the API has to do. I see little point to bikeshedding this API to try to support values outside the 32-bit range; doing that is more likely to cause trouble (because it will generate either nonconforming or numerically-incorrect strings) than to cure it.

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