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Re: localedef during tests suddenly needs a lot of memory

Mike FABIAN <> wrote:

> Florian Weimer <> wrote:
>> This started with:
>> commit 7a79e321c6f85b204036c33d85f6b2aa794e7c76
>> Author: Thorsten Glaser <>
>> Date:   Fri Jul 14 14:02:50 2017 +0200
>>     Refresh generated charmap data and ChangeLog
>>             [BZ #21750]
>>             * charmaps/UTF-8: Refresh.
>> Mike is looking at re-adding the range generation support to the Python
>> script, hopefully that should reduce the memory requirements again.
>> Florian
> Attached is muy patch to use ranges instead of single code points in the width
> data of charmaps/UTF-8 whereever possible.

To do this, I rewrote most of the code Thorsten Glaser added.


Here is the diff of my patched against Thorsten Glaser’s

$ git diff a3fe6a20bf81ef6a97a761dac9050517e7fd7a1f..4f737628ef23033b8d78e0acead37b2722419822 localedata/unicode-gen/ 
diff --git a/localedata/unicode-gen/ b/localedata/unicode-gen/
index 1563aa11d2..7efae08461 100755
--- a/localedata/unicode-gen/
+++ b/localedata/unicode-gen/
@@ -229,27 +229,45 @@ def process_width(outfile, ulines, elines):
             code_points = fields[0].split("..")
         for key in range(int(code_points[0], 16),
                          int(code_points[1], 16)+1):
-            width_dict[key] = unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(key) + '\t2'
+            width_dict[key] = 2
     for line in ulines:
         fields = line.split(";")
         if fields[4] == "NSM" or fields[2] in ("Cf", "Me", "Mn"):
-            width_dict[int(fields[0], 16)] = unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(
-                int(fields[0], 16)) + '\t0'
+            width_dict[int(fields[0], 16)] = 0
     # handle special cases for compatibility
-    for key in list(range(0x1160, 0x1200)) + list(range(0x3248, 0x3250)) + \
-               list(range(0x4DC0, 0x4E00)) + list((0x00AD,)):
+    for key in list((0x00AD,)):
         if key in width_dict:
             del width_dict[key]
-    width_dict[0x1160] = '{:s}...{:s}\t0'.format(
-      unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(0x1160), unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(0x11FF))
-    width_dict[0x3248] = '{:s}...{:s}\t2'.format(
-      unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(0x3248), unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(0x324F))
-    width_dict[0x4DC0] = '{:s}...{:s}\t2'.format(
-      unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(0x4DC0), unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(0x4DFF))
+    for key in list(range(0x1160, 0x1200)):
+        width_dict[key] = 0
+    for key in list(range(0x3248, 0x3250)) + list(range(0x4DC0, 0x4E00)):
+        width_dict[key] = 2
+    same_width_lists = []
+    current_width_list = []
     for key in sorted(width_dict):
-        outfile.write(width_dict[key]+'\n')
+        if not current_width_list:
+            current_width_list = [key]
+        elif (key == current_width_list[-1] + 1
+              and width_dict[key] == width_dict[current_width_list[0]]):
+            current_width_list.append(key)
+        else:
+            same_width_lists.append(current_width_list)
+            current_width_list = [key]
+    if current_width_list:
+        same_width_lists.append(current_width_list)
+    for same_width_list in same_width_lists:
+        if len(same_width_list) == 1:
+            outfile.write('{:s}\t{:d}\n'.format(
+                unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(same_width_list[0]),
+                width_dict[same_width_list[0]]))
+        else:
+            outfile.write('{:s}...{:s}\t{:d}\n'.format(
+                unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(same_width_list[0]),
+                unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(same_width_list[-1]),
+                width_dict[same_width_list[0]]))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     if len(sys.argv) < 3:


Here is the diff of my patched against a version before
Thorsten Glaser’s patches:

$ git diff bfff8b1becd7d01c074177df7196ab327cd8c844..4f737628ef23033b8d78e0acead37b2722419822 localedata/unicode-gen/
diff --git a/localedata/unicode-gen/ b/localedata/unicode-gen/
index ab03e750a6..7efae08461 100755
--- a/localedata/unicode-gen/
+++ b/localedata/unicode-gen/
@@ -221,31 +221,53 @@ def process_width(outfile, ulines, elines):
     width_dict = {}
-    for line in ulines:
-        fields = line.split(";")
-        if fields[4] == "NSM" or fields[2] == "Cf":
-            width_dict[int(fields[0], 16)] = unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(
-                int(fields[0], 16)) + '\t0'
     for line in elines:
-        # If an entry in EastAsianWidth.txt is found, it overrides entries in
-        # UnicodeData.txt:
         fields = line.split(";")
         if not '..' in fields[0]:
-            width_dict[int(fields[0], 16)] = unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(
-                int(fields[0], 16)) + '\t2'
+            code_points = (fields[0], fields[0])
             code_points = fields[0].split("..")
-            for key in range(int(code_points[0], 16),
-                             int(code_points[1], 16)+1):
-                if  key in width_dict:
-                    del width_dict[key]
-            width_dict[int(code_points[0], 16)] = '{:s}...{:s}\t2'.format(
-                unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(int(code_points[0], 16)),
-                unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(int(code_points[1], 16)))
+        for key in range(int(code_points[0], 16),
+                         int(code_points[1], 16)+1):
+            width_dict[key] = 2
+    for line in ulines:
+        fields = line.split(";")
+        if fields[4] == "NSM" or fields[2] in ("Cf", "Me", "Mn"):
+            width_dict[int(fields[0], 16)] = 0
+    # handle special cases for compatibility
+    for key in list((0x00AD,)):
+        if key in width_dict:
+            del width_dict[key]
+    for key in list(range(0x1160, 0x1200)):
+        width_dict[key] = 0
+    for key in list(range(0x3248, 0x3250)) + list(range(0x4DC0, 0x4E00)):
+        width_dict[key] = 2
+    same_width_lists = []
+    current_width_list = []
     for key in sorted(width_dict):
-        outfile.write(width_dict[key]+'\n')
+        if not current_width_list:
+            current_width_list = [key]
+        elif (key == current_width_list[-1] + 1
+              and width_dict[key] == width_dict[current_width_list[0]]):
+            current_width_list.append(key)
+        else:
+            same_width_lists.append(current_width_list)
+            current_width_list = [key]
+    if current_width_list:
+        same_width_lists.append(current_width_list)
+    for same_width_list in same_width_lists:
+        if len(same_width_list) == 1:
+            outfile.write('{:s}\t{:d}\n'.format(
+                unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(same_width_list[0]),
+                width_dict[same_width_list[0]]))
+        else:
+            outfile.write('{:s}...{:s}\t{:d}\n'.format(
+                unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(same_width_list[0]),
+                unicode_utils.ucs_symbol(same_width_list[-1]),
+                width_dict[same_width_list[0]]))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     if len(sys.argv) < 3:

Mike FABIAN <>

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