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Re: Encoding page size in the ELF header

On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 01:24:56PM -0400, Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:
> Hi -
> > > >>> Could the app more portably use
> > > >>> int critical_data __attribute__((section(".data.critical")));
> > > >>> and maybe a linker script widgetry to assure padding [...]
> > [...]
> > To see why, suppose I have the following PT_LOAD segments:
> > 
> >   Type           Offset   VirtAddr   PhysAddr   FileSiz MemSiz  Flg Align
> >   LOAD           0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x84cc4 0x84cc4 R E 0x1000
> >   LOAD           0x085000 0x00085000 0x00085000 0x00458 0x0240c RW  0x1000
> > [...] But the largest power of 2 to which 0x85000 is
> > aligned is 0x1000 (4k); 0x85000 mod 0x2000 is 0x1000. Thus it's
> > impossible for both load segments to be simultaneously aligned mod
> > 0x2000 or any larger power of two.
> An application that wishes to protect itself against larger page
> sizes, but still play page-protection tricks, can include pessimistic
> padding (ahead and/or behind) for its mprotecty sections, basically
> hard-coding a maximum acceptable page size.  If the data protection
> with current tooling is that important, they can probably afford even
> a 1MB page full of padding/alignment.

There are several clean solutions, like putting the data in its own
.so or allocating it at runtime with mmap rather than using static
storage. But these all may defeat the intended security benefits since
then you have to rely on a pointer to the data that's located
somewhere that may be writable. The safest is probably the approach with a pointer to it in const .data where it can
be protected by relro. Using the symbol directly in code would not be
a good idea since it may then be subject to copy relocations.


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