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Re: improvements to

Alexandre Oliva <> ãããããããã:

>>> - get_lines_from_file
> Its only use is as a loop generator, so you might as well ditch
> all_lines and yield each full line as you build it, like:
>               if line.endswith('/'):
>                 current_line += line[:-1]
>             else:
>                 yield current_line + line
>                 current_line = ''
>     if current_line: # file ends with a continuation line
>         yield current_line

>>> - I'm a little bit concerned with the regexp in
>>> extract_character_classes_and_code_points.  I recommend using
>>> re.escape(char_class) instead of plain char_class, so that, if the
>>> char_classes ever contains rx-active characters, we won't get unintended
>>> matches or rx compilation failures.  Furthermore, the current rx could
>>> match such extraneous line prefixes as Âclass "upper  or Âlower"; Â.
>>> Maybe drop the '?'s from the current rx and accept
>>> '|'+re.escape(char_class)+'\s+' as an *alternative* to the partiall rx
>>> between '^' and '\s+', or check that if any of the before- and
>>> after-char_class groups is empty, then so is the other, reporting an
>>> error otherwise.  (Am I being too paranoid?)
>> Looks much uglier though.
> It does indeed.
> I wonder if it would make sense to construct a regexp that matched all
> possibilities once, and use it throughout the loop.  Something along the
> lines of:
>   classes = '|'.join([re.escape_char(x) for x in [
>                'upper', 'lower', 'alpha'... 'combining_level3']])
>   maps = '|'.join([re.escape_char(x) for x in [
>                'toupper, 'tolower', 'totitle']])
>   rx = re.compile(r'^(?:' + '|'.join([
>      '(?P<noclass>' + classes + ')',
>      'class "(?P<class>' + classes + ')"',
>      '(?P<nomap>' + maps + ')',
>      'map "(?P<map>' + maps + ')"']) + ')')
>   for line in get_lines_from_file(filename):
>     match = re.match(rx, line)
>     if match:
>       for group in ['noclass', 'class', 'nomap', 'map']:
>         char_class =
>         if char_class:
>           break
>       # use char_class like before
> but, yuck...

I also think this looks even uglier.

> This would only make sense if we wanted to
> distinguish between classes and maps and make sure the names follow the
> expected kinds, I guess.  Here's an alternative:
>   classes = '|'.join([re.escape_char(x) for x in [
>                'upper', 'lower', 'alpha'... 'totitle]])
>   rx = re.compile(r'(?:(?:class|map) (?P<quote>"))?(?P<class>' + classes + ')(?P=quote)')
>   for line in get_lines_from_file(filename):
>     match = re.match(rx, line)
>     if match:
>       char_class ='class')
>       # use char_class like before
> and this could still be easily extended to tell classes and maps apart,
> if we so wanted.

Iâd rather leave it as it is, I tried the above and it is actually
slightly slower (probably because of the long regexp with the many
classes joined by | in the regexp).

Here is the slighly slower and uglier code I tested (pushed to a
different branch because I liked the original better):

>>> if (...):
>>>   number_of_errors += 1
>>>   print(...%{...})
>>> if (...):
>>>   cperror(...%{...})
> So...  this didn't work out as well as anticipated, because we're still
> using the global variable.  I guess avoiding global variables will
> require changing the idiom a bit, either passing explicitly an object
> holding the counter, or having functions return an error count to be
> totaled by the caller, like:
>   errors = 0
>   if (...)
>     errors += cperror(...)
>   return errors
> :-(

But that really doesnât make it any better.

I think the rules in the glibc pylintrc are too strict here.

Mike FABIAN <>
â Office: +49-69-365051027, internal 8875027

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