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Re: PATCH: BZ #14664: changing prefix breaks "make check-abi-libc"

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 12:30:34AM -0500, David Miller wrote:
> Every distribution sets the prefix to /usr
> Therefore, every binary compiled against those GLIBC's has
> that symbol's fixed size in any R_*_COPY relocations referencing
> those symbols.
> Therefore, changing the size of the symbol will make the dynamic
> linker ERROR and the application will fail, since the dynamic linker
> checks the R_*_COPY relocations size against the one in symbol itself.
> It is part of the ABI, whether you like it or not.

What I'm suggesting is differentiating between ABI requirements of a
distribution and ABI requirements of glibc.  Maintaining ABI stability
within glibc basically means ensuring that none of the
non-configurable ABI changes.  Configurable elements such as the build
prefix should not be part of the check within glibc.

If this is not acceptable, then maybe the abi-check should only issue
a warning for abi breakage if the prefix is not /usr and not force the
testsuite run to end.  I still hate the idea of /usr being hardcoded
in various parts of glibc, but I can live with it a little longer.


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