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Re: [ Re: forestalling GNU incompatibility - proposalfor binary relative dynamic linking]

Edward Peschko wrote:
"A developer is compiling a large set of applications that he doesn't
 control, and hence may or may not be LSB compliant. He cannot expect
 the oldest version of glibc to apply because the applications may
 depend on newer glibc features. He does not have root, so therefore
 cannot develop in a chroot environment.

You say "the applications *may* depend on newer glibc features" ? You should find out for sure. The best way to find out is to try. Which Linux environments do you need your apps to run in? Which version of glibc is installed on those systems? You're almost certain to need nothing earlier than glibc-2.2.3 (and I think you can build safely with glibc-2.2.5 and have that work, but I'm not sure; maybe somebody else could comment).

You say the apps may or may not be LSB compliant.  Have you
tried building them under the LSB yet?

Also, note that you don't need a chroot environment to
build against a different glibc than your system.

Furthermore, one of the things that he is doing is migrating from an older
version of glibc to a newer one, and wants both the freedom of doing
it without trashing his environment, and not having to rebuild his programs from scratch to test versus two versions of glibc.

I'm confused; are you migrating your development workstation to a newer glibc? If you're using cross-compilation techniques, that shouldn't matter here.

However, it occurs to me that the patch alone would not be enough..
apparently the interface heeps changing, which makes it currently impossible to use any system libraries unrelated to the current glibc.

My question is: why does this interface keep changing? Could it be stabilized? is part of glibc. glibc promises that newer's can run programs linked against older glibc's. That's enough for most people. - Dan

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