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Re: Kawa 2.2 broken on OSX when using Homebrew

On 12/28/2016 08:53 AM, Duncan Mak wrote:
Hello Per,

I think the changes to the Kawa distribution in 2.2 are not properly
reflected in the packaging on OSX by the Homebrew people.

That is plausible/  Kawa 2.2 switched to a new way of making
binary releases, with the jline3 and domterm libraries (as well
as the documentation) bundled.  You will have to evaluate if that
makes sense for homebrew. If so you probably the kawa-$(VERSION).zip
rule, or something similar.  For most platforms it should just
work to unzip the resulting zip, and optionally create suitable
symlinks and/or adjust the environment.

I want to release a 2.3 release ASAP.  This is mainly to update
the documentation and website to refer to git rather than Subversion.
If you find any Mac/Homebrew problems (soon) we can also include those.

Currently, it's built using this Formula -

The main issue I can see whether you want to bundle JLine3 and DomTerm,
and it so how you handle the dependencies.

I noticed that the readline front-end is not included,

The readline front-end is deprecated - I use the JLine3 front.end now.

and I'm also not able to import SRFIs.

duncan@furigana:~$ brew install kawa
==> Downloading
==> Pouring kawa-2.2.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/kawa/2.2: 19 files, 3.5M

duncan@furigana:~$ kawa
#|kawa:1|# (import (srfi 1))
/dev/stdin:1:9: unknown library (srfi 1)
#|kawa:2|# ^A ;; this gets printed instead of cursor movement

Nothing comes to mind ...

I have time this week to go fix it, could you review the build formula
and let me know if there's anything wrong with it? I think it might be
missing some configure flags.

See what kawa-#(CRESION).zip make rule does.

	--Per Bothner

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