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Re: What are the procedures =?, <?, <=?, etc.?

On 12/28/2016 01:55 AM, Sudarshan S Chawathe wrote:
What do the procedures =?, <?, <=?, etc., do in Kawa?

They seem to be defined as 1-argument procedures in the REPL but I have
not been able to figure out much beyond that.  (I tried a quick
find/grep on the source tree but nothing obvious showed up.)

This is a bug in how TYPE? is recognized.  The goal is if TYPE? is not
(lexically) defined, but TYPE is *and* TYPE is typed-value, then we
get '(lambda (obj) (instance? obj TYPE))'  The problem is the test
for 'TYPE is type-valued' is missing.  See the FIXME comment in
checkDefaultBinding in

This is with Kawa 2.2 (revision 9049M) on a 32-bit Debian setup with
OpenJDK 8.

Looks like your using the old Subversion repository.  You should switch to
the Git repository.

I intend to check in the the Subversion repository a change so
it no longer builds by defauilt.

	--Per Bothner

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