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What are the procedures =?, <?, <=?, etc.?

What do the procedures =?, <?, <=?, etc., do in Kawa?

They seem to be defined as 1-argument procedures in the REPL but I have
not been able to figure out much beyond that.  (I tried a quick
find/grep on the source tree but nothing obvious showed up.)

I came across those procedures in an error message related to my
attempts at figuring out why importing the SRFI 128 reference
implementation in the Kawa REPL sometimes causes the REPL to hang. (I
reported that problem on using the Kawa bugzilla site a short while
ago.)  These procedures may well be red herrings in that regard, though.
(I got a bit suspicious because SRFI 128 also defines procedures with
these names.)

This is with Kawa 2.2 (revision 9049M) on a 32-bit Debian setup with
OpenJDK 8.



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