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Re: (kawa pictures) procedural interface for point and dimension?

This note is only a minor comment (perhaps too minor) on the

> The documentation should probably be clearer and show examples that
> x/y/w/h are actually expressions - they don't have to be constant:
>     &P[(sqrt 3) (+ 5 6)]

The above example would be a good aid to understanding.

On a related note, I think what caused my confusion was the tag
'Literal' next to the descriptions of &P and &D. That had me making an
analogy with string litrals, integer literals, etc. Of course, had I
read more carefully, I would have noticed the sentence right there
indicating that x and y are expressions that evaluate to integers (so my
earlier "duh" assessment of my confusion still stands).

I guess that leads to a question: Should &P (and &D) be described as
'syntax' instead of 'literal' (or am I confused again)?



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