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Re: irc

On 09/18/2015 04:50 PM, David Pirotte wrote:
BTW I do recommend building Kawa from Subversion; the "released" jar is a bit old.
I'd like to make a new official release, but I'm in the middle of various changes.

Any git somewhere? I'm a good git user, no svn experience

Read-only use of Svn is pretty trivial.  As described here:

you just need to:

svn -q checkout svn:// kawa

To pull the latest, just do 'svn update' in the kawa directory.

Michel Vachon has a git clone here:

The plan is to migrate to git, hosted on
I haven't decided when.  One question is to do the
migration in conjunction with a release, or only do the
git swicj-over and just update the Gett-Kawa.html web page.
	--Per Bothner

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