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Re: trouble packaging jars

On May 6, 2014, at 3:56 PM, Alcides Flores Pineda <> wrote:

> I've written a little demo & proof of concept application here: 
> -
> to teach myself howto compile and create distributable jars with Kawa.
> Its a basic ("Hello World") GUI (Swing) application.
> Maybe the build.xml and the scripts there can help you and/or give you
> some ideas.

Woops. The build fails:

$ ant
Buildfile: /Volumes/ymra/Attic/Software/Languages/Scheme/kawa/swing-kawa/build.xml

/Volumes/ymra/Attic/Software/Languages/Scheme/kawa/swing-kawa/build.xml:37: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.

Total time: 0 seconds

So I found and fixed the ampersand and tried again. I see the same problem I've been having:

$ ant
Buildfile: /Volumes/ymra/Attic/Software/Languages/Scheme/kawa/swing-kawa/build.xml

    [javac] Compiling 1 source file
     [kawa] Error: Could not find or load main class kawa.repl

/Volumes/ymra/Attic/Software/Languages/Scheme/kawa/swing-kawa/build.xml:44: Java returned: 1

Total time: 0 seconds

If your buildfile is really working, it suggests that I may have some local configuration issue. What version of ant and of the JDK are you using?

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