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simple kawa testcases

For simple test-cases (such as for most bug-reports)
I prefer the simple one-file testcases run by the
gnu.kawa.util.RunTestScript class.  See for example
testcase/define1.scm, or other scripts run by
by the test/Makefile rule check-run-test-scripts.

I recently added some functionality so you can
specify JVM options and/or Kawa options.  For example
testsuite/sva36917.scm starts with:
;; Java-options: "-Xmx20m"
which passes -Xmx20m to the java command-line.
You can also specify Kawa-options, which passes
Kawa command-line flags.

For larger collections of tests, like for testing
a library, I prefer SRFI-64-style tests, as for example
	--Per Bothner

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