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Re: GSOC | Extending Common Lisp support

On 06/06/2012 12:11 PM, Jamison Hope wrote:
I'll continue to poke around with The Bug a little more, looking for
where these two diverge:

; This is erroneous.
(define (foo) 'a)
(define x foo)
(let ((x (lambda () 'b))) (display (x)) (display x) (display (foo)))
;; Output: b #<procedure x> b

; This is correct.
(define (foo) 'a)
(define y foo)
(let ((x (lambda () 'b))) (display (x)) (display x) (display (foo)))
;; Output: b #<procedure x> a

I think the problem is where LambdaExp#compile calls emitLoadModuleMethod. I don't think the branch at line 780 should be taken, or if it should be, we should not rebind the outer procedure (see the comment in ProcInitializer#emitLoadModuleMethod line 35). -- --Per Bothner

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