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Re: GSOC | Extending Common Lisp support

On 05/28/2012 12:38 PM, Charles Turner wrote:
I've incorporated Jamison's suggestion for getNamedLispType to uses
strings rather than classes, I have the following behaviour from both
Scheme and CL which seems undesirable:

#|kawa:2|# |clisp:t|
ClassType java.lang.Object

I think you're confusing the *value* t vs the *type specifier* t. They have nothing to do with each other, and |clisp:t| evaluates to the latter - which should be equivalent to java.lang.Object.

What you're talking about is the type specifier boolean, not t:

The old behaviour was to output Type boolean. For that to work, there
needs to be a default boolean type in LispLanguage, which to pick? For
reference, Scheme's boolean type is initialised like this in Scheme:

We probably need a type category for either sets of values or predicates, but let's defer that until we deal with patterns. -- --Per Bothner

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