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Re: Android REPL - add* syntax-sugar not available in constructor

* teyc [2012-01-29 09:22] writes:

> Instructions: 
> ant debug uninstall installd
> adb shell start am -n
> adb logcat

I think there is a minor bug here. It should be:
  adb shell am start -n

> The IP address is displayed on the activity screen. If you are on emulator, 
> then
>   adb forward tcp:4444 tcp:4444
>   telnet localhost 4444
> otherwise, you should be able to telnet to port 4444 on the displayed IP
> Address.

Port forwarding works for the emulator and also over the USB port to a
real device.

The output of adb logcat should contain something like this:

I/ActivityManager(  130): Start proc for activity pid=20275 uid=10044 gids={3003, 1015}
V/kawa-hello(20275): listing on 4444 (ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=4444])
V/kawa-hello(20275): connected Socket[addr=/,port=45549,localport=4444] 
V/kawa-hello(20275): starting telnet repl Socket[addr=/,port=45549,localport=4444] kawa.standard.Scheme@40860cc0
V/kawa-hello(20275): listing on 4444 (ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=4444])

BTW, I also see things like

I/dalvikvm(20275): Failed resolving Lgnu/kawa/servlet/KawaHttpHandler; interface 15 'Lcom/sun/net/httpserver/HttpHandler;'

Looks like KawaHttpHandler should be disabled when compiling for Android.


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