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using java.lang.Throwable for flow control (was: Re: SLIME backend)

On Wednesday 28 May 2008 05:23:30 pm Helmut Eller wrote:
> * Jim White [2008-05-28 17:47+0200] writes:
> > > [BTW, I always wonder how expensive fillInStackTrace is.  Is
> > >  there a trick to make this cheap or is it as expensive as it
> > >  sounds?]
> >
> > It's expensive but optional.
> [Hmm, I guess a efficiency minded guy could override
> fillInStackTrace with a noop in his custom throwables indented for
> control transfers only.  I wonder if Kawa does that for call/cc.]

Efficiency-minded guys do precisely that.

To lift a quote from the following paper:

  Event-Based Programming without Inversion of Control
  Philipp Haller and Martin Odersky

  | To save information about statements following 'receive', we would
  | need to save the call-stack, or capture a (first-class)
  | continuation. Virtual machines such as the JVM provide no means
  | for explicit stack management, mainly because of security
  | reasons. Thus, languages implementing first-class continuations
  | have to simulate the run-time stack on the heap which poses
  | serious performance problems. Moreover, programming tools such as
  | debuggers and profilers rely on run-time information on the native
  | VM stack which they are unable to find if the stack that programs
  | are using is allocated on the heap. Consequently, existing tools
  | cannot be used with programs compiled using a heap-allocated
  | stack.
  | Thus, most ports of languages with continuation support
  | (e.g. Scheme, Ruby) onto non-cooperative virtual machines abandon
  | first-class continuations altogether (e.g. JScheme, JRuby). Scala
  | does not support first-class continuations either, primarily
  | because of compatibility and interoperability issues with existing
  | Java code.
  | To conclude, managing information about statements following a
  | call to 'receive' would require changes either to the compiler or
  | the VM. Following our rationale for a library-based approach, we
  | want to avoid those changes.
  | Instead, we require that receive *never returns normally*.
  | ...
  | For this, the blocking receive throws a special exception of type
  | Done (see below) which is caught in the send method (!).
  | Technically, this trick unwinds the callstack up to the point
  | where the message 'send' transferred control to A.

Last I looked, Done.scala was coded like this:

 | $ svn co -q -r8159
 | $ cat -n actors/Done.scala
 |      1  /*                     __                                               *\
 |      2  **     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
 |      3  **    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2005-2006, LAMP/EPFL             **
 |      4  **  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |                                         **
 |      5  ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
 |      6  **                          |/                                          **
 |      7  \*                                                                      */
 |      8  
 |      9  // $Id: Done.scala 8159 2006-07-14 12:45:15Z phaller $
 |     10  
 |     11  package scala.actors
 |     12  
 |     13  /**
 |     14   * @author Philipp Haller
 |     15   */
 |     16  class Done extends Throwable {
 |     17    override def fillInStackTrace(): Throwable =
 |     18      this;
 |     19  }

They must've rewritten it in the past two years.  I no longer see
Done.scala in the repository:

But the trick of overriding fillInStackTrace() lives on:

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