kawa archive
subject index for October - December, 2007

This is the mail archive of the kawa@sourceware.org mailing list for the Kawa project.

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Accessing to Java array and namespace

add <init> method to java interface

any NetBeans experts out there?

Code generation problem?

consecutive 'let

Debuging macros?

Different define-xml-namespace behavior in servlet versus REPL

Hello am lonely girl Tatyana

How call class (not object) method?

How define single java class using kawa IO system?

How use formatted output in `print` method?

Java 1.7 - compile trouble

jre compatibility


problem with file io in kawa-1.9.1

Re: problem(?) using java.lang.Float in arithmetic operation

query type of an instance

SchemeScript 1.3.0 alpha 2

SchemeScript and code completion

schemeway question

script mode or 'bytecode' mode

silly newbie question about inner classes

Speed issue?

standalone program to *.jar

Too many classes definitions?

various Kawa improvements and changes

Where a error?

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