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Re: Subclassing Swing in Kawa

Nigel Dolby wrote:
 ((DiamondIcon (color :: <java.awt.Color>)) :: <DiamondIcon>
  (invoke (this) color #t DEFAULT_WIDTH DEFAULT_HEIGHT))

((DiamondIcon (color :: <java.awt.Color>) (selected :: <boolean>)) :: <DiamondIcon>
(invoke (this) color selected DEFAULT_WIDTH DEFAULT_HEIGHT))

 ((DiamondIcon (color :: <java.awt.Color>) (selected :: <boolean>)
       (width :: <int>) (height :: <int>)) :: <DiamondIcon>
   (slot-set! (this) 'color color)
   (slot-set! (this) 'selected selected)
   (slot-set! (this) 'width width)
   (slot-set! (this) 'height height)
   (invoke (this) 'initPolygon))

These are not constructor definitions in Kawa. You need to use the special *init* name.

Furthermore, a constructor call using keywords like:

(make 'DiamondIcon
       color: (static-field <java.awt.Color> 'RED
             selected: #t width: 24 height: 24))

[aside: CVS Kawa gets confused when you use 'red, since
it also matches the getRed non-static method.  This is a
Kawa bug.]

This assumes a default constructor, and then the named
properties are set using the keywords.

So what you want is:

   (invoke (this) 'initPolygon))

or if you use CVS Kawa just plain:


Then it works.
	--Per Bothner

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