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Re: Using Emacs with Kawa

From: Chris Dean <>
To: "Tony anon" <>
Subject: Re: Using Emacs with Kawa
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 12:30:38 -0700

> Specifically, when I'm defining a function, a prompt similar to the > following appears: > > #|(---:2|#

Here's my two cents (in addition to the other responses).  What I do

1. Use cmuscheme in Emacs, it works the best for me.

(autoload 'scheme-mode "cmuscheme" "Major mode for Scheme." t)
(autoload 'run-scheme "cmuscheme" "Switch to interactive Scheme buffer." t)

2. Set the kawa binary in Emacs.

(setq scheme-program-name "/your/kawa/name ...")

3. Make Emacs recognize the kawa prompt:

    (defun my-inferior-scheme-mode-hook ()
      (setq comint-process-echoes t)
      (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^#[^#]+# +"))
    (add-hook 'inferior-scheme-mode-hook 'my-inferior-scheme-mode-hook)

4. In the Kawa startup file (I think it's ~/.kawarc.scm) change the
   Kawa prompt to not put those open parens as continuation lines.

    (define (my-no-continuation-prompter port)
      (define (prompt port s)
        (string-append "#|"
                       (number->string (input-port-line-number port))
                       "|# "))
      (let ((state (input-port-read-state port)))
         ((char=? state #\Newline) "")
         ((char=? state #\Space) (prompt port "kawa:" ))
         ((char=? state #\() "")
         (else ""))))

(set-input-port-prompter! (current-input-port) my-no-continuation-prompter)

Good luck!

Chris Dean

Thanks for the info Chris.

I'm afraid that kawa is ignoring the change to the prompt in kawarc.scm.

I can confirm that the initialisation file is being read, as I tried deliberately corrupting it and received an error from Kawa on startup.

However, when I change the prompt string in the initialisation file, there is no apparent change to the prompt in the kawa repl.

Does anyone have any further thoughts?



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